Welcome to the official web site for the communal gardens in Kensington Gardens Square, London W2.
This site has been established to provide important information to people interested in the gardens, how they are managed and how to enjoy them. The gardens are for the benefit of the residents of Kensington Gardens Square and have provided many generations of residents invaluable tranquility in one of London’s busiest neighbourhoods.
The committee of the KGSGA (Kensington Gardens Square Garden Association) would like to encourage active use by all residents, so a major focus of this site is to explain how to become a key holder. Please enjoy reading the information about the gardens and we hope to welcome new key holders throughout the year.
KGSGA Committee


2024 KGS Garden Annual General Meetings: 
  • The Annual General Meetings (AGMs) for KGS Garden Association and KGS Garden CIC will be held on:
    • Thursday 21st November 2024 from 7.30pm
    • at St Matthew’s Church Hall, 27 St Petersburgh Place, London W2 4LA.  
    • Details can be found here 
KGS Garden Survey
  • A summary of the result of our survey of garden residents as well as proposed actions to take forward can be accessed here

KGS Social

  • Coffee mornings are held on the 1st Sunday at 11am in the Large Garden.
  • All BBQs, & Parties over nine people: Require prior agreement(committee@kgsgarden.org.uk)

See details here.


KGS Garden by-laws

Keep the Gardens:

  • Clean (remove any litter; no dogs; no use as a lavatory)
  • Safe (shut the gates at all times)
  • Calm & quiet (No loud unruly behaviour, ball games or music)  
  • Undamaged (Exercise on the gravel areas, NOT on the grass).

See details here.


Please select an image below.

Garden information

The 2017 Kensington Gardens Square Garden Association Annual General Meeting was held at St Matthews Church Room, St Petersburgh Place,
Worm farm
What is a worm farm? A worm farm is a place where worms can live and breed, safe from predators
Plastic :-(
Each week we collect a phenomenal amount of plastic in this garden that blows in off the streets and especially
owl nest
We provide nesting boxes for birds and plan to add additional nesting boxes for Pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus spp.), which regularly
We are now adding 30 cu metres of tree chippings annually to act as a mulch over the surface of
Hot composting (1)
This is compost made last Autumn (October 2016) using the leaves collected and stored in the Autumn of 2015. This
Hot composting (2)
This is the raw ingredients for our next compost heap that will be ready in the Spring of 2018. It
Hot composting (3)
The amount of water we add is critical to the mix in allowing even and rapid heating of the compost
Making proper compost is much like baking a cake. It’s a balance of wet and dry ingredients with each ingredient
Finished product
This is the finished product. It was made in the Spring of last year. Proper compost should be dark and
The ecology of this garden is being restored via a management regime designed around a policy of nutrient recycling –
The garden is actively managed by the Committee. The Committee is responsible for the administration of the following: – Weekly




Parties and Barbecues

The Gardens are a wonderful pleasure for all of us. Key holders may apply to hold a party.

Parties with 10 people or above require at least 48 hours in advance agreement with the Committee. To avoid two parties on the same day, please check the on-line calendar for existing reservations.


There is a fee & refundable deposit which goes towards the upkeep of the gardens.

The key holder for any size event is accountable for their guests. This includes:

• Ensuring the garden gates are kept closed with someone organised to let guests into & out of the garden

• Keeping noise down so garden users & neighbours are not disturbed, most specifically in the evenings given the gardens act as a ‘bowl’ echoing sound to the houses surrounding the gardens

• Barbecues must be placed on the gravel not the grass & smoke managed so garden users aren’t disturbed

• Removing anything brought into the gardens most specifically furniture & all rubbish including cigarette stubs

• Using garden furniture within reason, which may only be reserved during the setting up process itself

• Returning garden furniture to its original position

And in accordance with the Garden Rules:

• No ball games or frisbees

• No music

• No pets

Garden parties and barbecues must end before 21:30 hours.


Party Fees

There is no charge for gatherings up to 9 people. After that the following fees apply:

• 10 to 25 attendees £75 (+ £100 deposit)

• Deposits are returned (circa 48 hours) against any damage & compliance with the garden rules designed for the comfort of all garden key holders

• Over 25 attendees, please email the Committee so we can agree how the event will be managed. A higher fee will apply



• BBQs, regardless of numbers, carry an additional fee of £25 (no deposit)

• Event cancellations require 24 hours notice.

• We do not hold any additional furniture, gazebos or BBQ equipment due to the lack of space.


Risk & Responsibility

All persons enter and use the garden and its facilities at their own risk and children must be supervised at all times.

For enquiries, contact: Garden Committee


Garden calendar and availability:

February 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

KGS Garden Association committee

Meet the people that are taking care of the garden.
Simon Glucina
Simon Glucina


    Susanne Gahler
    Susanne Gahler

    Small garden and Garden keys

      Dieter Wellmann
      Dieter Wellmann

      Large garden

        Donata Invernizzi
        Donata Invernizzi


          Emma Fulton
          Emma Fulton

          Social engagement

            Alex Peter
            Alex Peter


              Sigrid Thumfart
              Sigrid Thumfart

              Committee member

                Mary Notaras
                Mary Notaras

                Committee member

                  Contact form

                  Kensington Gardens Square W2 4DG, London, UK