The gardens are a wonderful resource for our garden square community. With health a priority we must ensure that everyone including those more vulnerable, can enjoy & access them safely.

The gardens are a wonderful resource for our garden square community. With health a priority we must ensure that everyone including those more vulnerable, can enjoy & access them safely.

 To protect others, DO NOT ENTER the gardens if:

  • You are feeling unwell or have any coronavirus symptoms in any way OR tested positive for coronavirus
  • You are feeling better after having had symptoms – until you tested negative or have been free of any symptoms for 48 hours without any use of medication


The byelaws, or rules, of the gardens are summarised here and are displayed at each gate to the large garden. They are designed to preserve the garden and protect it for all garden users. Some of the main points are:

– No Littering. PLEASE take your rubbish with you! There is no garden cleaner.

– Barbecues and gatherings. Barbecues require permission in advance (as we wish to limit the number of BBQs at any one time to no more than two to avoid inconveniencing other residents). Please see ‘Parties & BBQs in the Garden‘ for more information.

– No pets in the garden. This is to keep the place clean and prevent any harassment to those of us who aren’t animal lovers. It also prevents the bedding plants being trampled.

– No ball games. This is a safety issue and is also designed to protect the turf and the bedding plants. There are a lot of babies and toddlers In the square and we need to avoid inquiries. Ball games damage bedding plants and disturb the peace for other users of the garden. If you wish to play ball games, Hyde Park is just a few minutes walk away.

–  No use of the gardens as a lavatory.

Keep the Gardens:

  • Clean (remove any litter; no dogs; no use as a lavatory)
  • Safe (shut the gates at all times)
  • Calm & quiet (No loud unruly behaviour, ball games or music)  
  • Undamaged (Exercise on the gravel areas, NOT on the grass).

All persons enter and use the garden and its facilities at their own risk and children must be supervised at all times.